Adina Gatt of EFOD ART EMBROIDERY maintains her studio in Nahariya, Israel where she and her skilled craftspeople create magnificent hand-embroidered and appliquéd Judaica art for synagogues, schools and the home.
Adina creates Parochot (ark curtains), Torah mantles ~ Torah Covers, Chuppot (wedding canopies), Challah and Matzah covers, Omer calendars, Tallitot and wall-hangings ... all of them unique and appropriate for their setting.
Whether the Jewish symbolism is modern or traditional, Adina’s work is always beautiful.
Adina envisioned and created the Original PEACE Piece,which inspired the Pieced Paper PEACE Quilt.
Let me show you some pieces from her israeli-judaica.com virtual studio.
We sought out Adina Gatt in 1987, when we saw an Efod appliqué wall-hanging ... a quote from Ayshet Chayil at Kibbutz Lavi. In 1990, Adina and Yael Shiloh created the Tallis, the prayer shawl, our son first wore when he became a Bar Mitzvah.
In 1991, we decided to invest our Israel bonds directly in the economy of Israel and the work of Adina Gatt. She created our Family Chuppah in time for our 25th Anniversary. Rich with the Judaic symbolism and Israeli visions ....
Since then, there have been wall hangings including our 2004 Rosh Hashanah card, PEACE Pieces, Challah and Matzah covers and gifts we have given; and we have watched the creation and the use of many other Efod Chuppahs, Talasim, Parocheses — ark curtains and Torah covers and other ritual and functional Judaica.
To see some of Adina's new pieces, just use the buttons on the left
| Whether you call them Chuppahs or chuppot, tallises or tallitot, parocheses or parochot, torah mantles or torah covers, shulchan or table covers, challah / matzah covers or mapiot; the top quality, handcrafted Jewish Fiber Art made with love and skill by talented Israeli artists in the studio of ADINA GATT belong in your home, your office and your synagogue.